How long does end-point assessment take?

How long does end-point assessment take?

You’re taking on an apprentice and are looking forward to supporting them through their journey, but how long does the end-point assessment process take?

End-point assessment

  • This refers to the final stage of an apprenticeship. It’s the impartial assessment of the apprentice and is used to determine whether they have developed the skills, knowledge and behaviours outlined in the specific apprentice standard.
  • The assessment is designed by the end-point assessment organisation (in this case LEIA Assessment).
  • In addition to completing the EPA, apprentices must pass other requirements such as English and Maths qualifications.
  • Once all elements are completed, the apprentice receives their certificate and has officially passed.


Timelines vary, depending on the sector and the apprenticeship standard. For LEIA Assessment which is the organisation for the Level 3 Lift & Escalator Electromechanic and Level 2 Stairlift, Platform Lift & Service Lift Electromechanic, the process varies. It is six months for the Level 3 and four months for the Level 2.

  • At least three months prior to Gateway – employers should register with LEIA Assessment using the online form. They will be sent contracts as well as specialist resources including mock exam content and knowledge tests. At the same time, the training provider will submit a learner gateway form to access ACE360, our online gateway.
  • Three weeks before Gateway – apprentices submit evidence to the assessors.
  • One week before EPA – LEIA Assessment conducts a pre-assessment check.
  • Three weeks to six months after Gateway – the assessor team conduct assessments to evaluate apprentices and grading.
  • Seven days after final assessment – final gradings are published.
  • Three to six months after EPA – re-sits can take place if needed.

For more information, or if you would like to chat through the process, get in touch with the team for a chat.



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